I enjoy a one page business plan to get orientation of the needs and type of business that is being presented to me. High level headings can include :
Where do you want to be in 6 months || 1 year || 5 years ?
How can you fund the business ?
The bright being Chris Guillebeau has developed a fun and effective 1 Pager. It’s quite incredible when we can take a very large or a small budding company and drill using 4 headings and 9 questions. I am going to try it with Switchboard Consulting :
OVERVIEW What will you sell ?
| SUCCESS The project will be successful when it achieves :
KA – CHING What will you charge?
| OBSTACLES / CHALLENGES Specific concern or question #1
The 1 Pager helped me to realise that Switchboard Consulting now has 1 income stream and I want to explore alternate revenue streams.
My passion is facilitating business planning and strategy and being a part of the birth and rebirth of businesses, is there an opportunity to offer something other than my time – perhaps a connection to my network. Is this an invitation for me to explore supply chains and build a community of highly skilled specialists?
This is very useful! I’m going to ‘try this at home’! 😉
Great Lisa – let us know how it goes and email/call us for guidance.
I would enjoy seeing the 1 Pager when its done – we have so much to learn from each other !